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Become a Member of the Kentucky Hemophilia Foundation

People with hemophilia can face persistent challenges. They must be very careful about minor injuries the rest of us would hardly notice. Treatment involves regularly infusing the missing clotting factor into the bloodstream. The Kentucky Hemophilia Foundation, or KHF, is the Kentucky Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation. We are a private, non-profit organization established in 1960 as a support system by and for concerned parents.

Since our incorporation, KHF has grown into a statewide health agency serving families affected by hemophilia or a similar bleeding disorder. The changes brought about by learning your child has a bleeding disorder are life altering. KHF’s programs and services extend to hundreds of families throughout Kentucky. Having a support system that is there for you along a lifelong journey with a bleeding disorder is vitally important.

The support of KHF helps affected families through a lifetime of transitions. Our First Step Outreach works with the families of the newly diagnosed, and the phone support network gives them a much needed source of information and encouragement. Summer camp offers school-age children and teens the opportunity to develop life skills, while the adult retreats and support meetings provide a forum for interaction, sharing, and reassurance for men and women. We also have a number of social and recreational family-focused, gatherings throughout the year.

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